Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Trip to Jim Lennon's Studio

     What I found most interesting about our visit to Mr. Lennon's studio was primarily the business aspects of his career. I kind of already knew it was a tough profession to begin with but I never would have thought so much paperwork and maintenance had to be done to run a photography career in specific and after listening to Jim Lennon while he gave us the tour of his humble abode sort of showed me how serious he takes everything he does. I don't know why but I've honestly always though of the career to be a hyper joyful job where everyone embraced the art of photography but obviously I was proven incorrect when he began speaking about how his clients would fumble up with what needs to be done and how plentiful the misunderstandings flow in during his days.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Battery Life While Using the Bulb Setting

     Alright, so I've been using the bulb setting for an assignment for a separate class and I've found that the battery life quickly dwindles down a unicyclist in a stairs factory and I was wondering what kept leeching the power. I'm guessing it's the light meter though it uses a very minimal amount of energy but, hum, it is a guess so be sure to give me the heads-up if I'm wrong.

And as always, here is my photo of the week:


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Time Management Assignment

     I've volunteered at the high school I've graduated from by lending a hand at one of the couple of events they hold and I also tag along with friends from said high school to help out some of the other students AV based projects but these habits are probably going to have to go due to my class schedule and the fact that adding a job onto the weekly list of copious responsibility. Another thing I have to cut down is the amount of time I linger around my house helping my family out with what ever needs to be done but this can easily be solved as soon as my brother gets his high schooler hype up and going and when I get a job to pitch in with the grocery budget. And yeah, thats pretty much all I've noticed in this assignment.

Weekly photo by the way:
Just an old shot of me messing around with Depth of Field in my local pizza shack.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Magazine Photo

A shot that I'd expect would be acceptable in the Psychology Today magazine.
Definitely reshooting this image with a lot more effort I put into this one

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Just a Random Shot

Pretty much what the title describes it to be. Leave suggestions if you can/want.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Constant Question: Limits

     Something that's just been smacking in the back of the head for as long as I've aimed to head into the world of cinema is where I set my limits on what I capture and I'm pretty sure this dilemma transfers over to photography.

    I can never see myself in an actual cemetery filming or taking photographs or taking shots for forensic investigations (especially since I've learned about post mortem photography).

     But that's just me, what about you guys? Where do you set your boundaries? Afraid of taking shots from the top of a mountain? Don't feel like setting a tripod up on a battlefield?

Go on, do post 0_o

What inspires your study in photography?

     I know there's a multitude of reasons out there for sticking around in a field of professional or amateur photography but I was wondering about what reasons everyone in this curriculum keep their dedication in this art form.
I myself don't really have a really strong reason for doing so aside from the camera, set, and lighting know-how I so desire for my career in cinema. The only other inspirations I have are the sentimental charm and the artistic creativity i'm allowed to apply in something I can display throughout the world.
  But enough about me. I actually wanted to post this to seriously see what inspires everyone to do what they do in their photographs. It just seems as though I should incorporate many different viewpoints in what I do in my own photography to help better it. Y'know, perspective! So please do shoot a comment on this post so we can get something up and running for the better of all of us!

                                                                                                                Thanks a bunch,
                                                                                                                                     Eric Lee Wheeler                                              

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Just a shot or two for a different class

Hey everyone. Just placing a few photos up I took for another class. I'm actually sort of paranoid that I did something wrong with some so please shoot me any tips to make shots such as these somewhat better.

Here ya go:

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Just a theme for a shoot I want to do.

     I've been thinking about gathering a bunch of buddies and doing my first shoot with the theme of "Complete Nonsense". I grabbed the idea while looking at a bunch of awesome videos from Remi Gaillard where he performs flash mob like shenanigans such as throwing a party in a party supply store and hopping around a food court in a kangaroo costume. His motto is "C'est en faisan n'importe quoi qu'on devient n'importe quoi qu'on devient n'importe qui" which translates to "It's by dong anything that we become anyone" and those friendly frenchy french words of wisdom pretty much shot me into attempting this completely bonkers shoot. 

Here are some of his videos that he produced (May contain foul language):
and one of his best,The Stupid Cup

Enjoy 0_o

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The First Post of Many

      Hey all. Name's Eric Lee Wheeler and this is my first blog post for the Photographic Imaging program that I am currently taking.

   Lately I've been noticing the big differences in college life in juxtaposition to high school life both in and out of class. The students are more mature and have a much tighter grip on their ideas and practices. The professors offer great introspection and also give much broader examples of what they are teaching us in class.
         So far, I can say that I'm proud of my Freshman year of college. But hey, it's just beginning of my college experience and I'm set and ready for more. 

Oh, and feel free to comment on my posts or blog everybody even when it isn't obligatory!